
Research Monograph

Love and Space in Contemporary African Diasporic Women’s Writing: Making Love, Making Worlds. Palgrave Studies in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Eds. Gina Wisker, Denise deCaires Narain and Andrea Quaid. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. [hardback 2021; paperback 2022]

Editorial Work

Special Issues

Dependent Selves: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Life Writing and the Study of Dependency. Special Issue. Life Writing. With Pia Wiegmink. In preparation.

Indentured Bodies/Embodiments of Indenture. Special Issue. Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies. 2025. 4:2. With Sinah Theres Kloß.

Ecological Solidarities across Post/Colonial Worlds. Double Special Issue. Postcolonial Text. 2024. 19:1&2.

Ecocritical Perspectives on the Long Nineteenth Century: Form, Materiality, Politics. Special Issue. Anglia: Journal of English Philology. 2024. 142: 1. With Stefanie John.

Edited Volumes

Ecological Inter/Dependencies: Strong Asymmetrical Relations and More-than-Human Worlds. Eds. Jennifer Leetsch and Zeynep Y. Gökçe. Berlin: De Gruyter. Forthcoming 2025.

Configurations of Migration: Knowledges – Imaginaries – Media. Eds. Jennifer Leetsch, Frederike Middelhoff and Miriam Wallraven. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2023.

Journal Articles

Introduction: Indentured Bodies/Embodiments of Indenture.” With Sinah Theres Kloß. Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies. Special Issue: Indentured Bodies/Embodiments of Indenture. Eds. Sinah Theres Kloß and Jennifer Leetsch. 2025. 4:2. 1–20.

New Ways of Telling True Stories: Reflections on Ecological Solidarities across Post/Colonial Worlds.” With Arunima Bhattacharya, Apala Bhowmick, Trang Dang, Baldeep Kaur, Hannah Nelson-Teutsch, Alisa Preusser, Peri Sipahi and Christina Slopek-Hauff. Postcolonial Text. Double Special Issue: Ecological Solidarities across Post/Colonial Worlds. Ed. Jennifer Leetsch. 2024. 19:1&2. 1–11.

Oceanic Kinship and Coastal Ecologies: More-than-Human Encounters in Cristina Ali Farah’s ‘A Dhow Crosses the Sea.’Postcolonial Text. Double Special Issue: Ecological Solidarities across Post/Colonial Worlds. Ed. Jennifer Leetsch. 2024. 19:1&2. 1–24.

Introduction: Disturbing the Sedimentations of Nineteenth-Century Environments.” With Stefanie John. Anglia: Journal of English Philology. Research Cluster: Ecocritical Perspectives on the Long Nineteenth Century: Form, Materiality, Politics. Eds. Stefanie John and Jennifer Leetsch. 2024. 142:1. 1–10.

From Instagram Poetry to Autofictional Memoir and Back Again: Experimental Black Life Writing in Yrsa Daley-Ward’s Work.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature. Special Issue: Contemporary Black British Women’s Writing. Eds. Elisabeth Bekers, Elizabeth-Jane Burnett and Helen Cousins. 2022. 41:2, 301–326.

Mary Seacole’s Plant Matter(s): Vegetal Entanglements of the Black Atlantic in Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands.” EJES: The European Journal of English Studies. Special Issue: Victorian Materialisms. Eds. Ursula Kluwick and Ariane de Waal. 2022. 26:1, 42–65.

Playing with Saris: Material and Affective Unfoldings in Shailja Patel’s Migritude”. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. Special Issue: Visualizing Violence. Eds. Hella Cohen and Sreyoshi Sarkar. 2021. 23:5, 691–711.

Of Suitcases and Gunny Sacks: The Poetics of Travel in M. G. Vassanji and Shailja Patel”. Kairos: A Journal of Critical Symposium. Special Issue: Postcolonial Narrations. 2019. 4:1, 60–77.

Ocean Imaginaries in Warsan Shire's Afro-Diasporic Poetry”. Journal of the African Literature Association. Special Issue: The Environments of African Literature. Ed. Juliana Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi. 2019. 13:1, 80–95.

Love, Limb-Loosener: Encounters in Chimamanda Adichie's Americanah”. Journal of Popular Romance Studies. Special Issue: Critical Love Studies. Eds. Amy Burge and Michael Gratzke. 2017. 6, 1–16.

Book Chapters

“Mary Prince’s Slave Narrative and its Legal (After)Life: The Interplay of Gender, Law and Literature in The History of Mary Prince.” Feminist Perspectives on Law and Literature. Eds. Hanna Luise Kroll, Laura Schmitz-Justen, Laura Christin Wittmann and Laura Anina Zander. Berlin: De Gruyter. Forthcoming 2025.

“Between Home and Away: Contemporary Black British Poetry.” The Routledge Handbook of the New African Diasporic Literature. Eds. Lokangaka Losambe and Tanure Ojaide. London/New York: Routledge. 2024.

“Introduction: Configurations of Migration.” Configurations of Migration: Knowledges – Imaginaries – Media. Eds. Jennifer Leetsch, Frederike Middelhoff and Miriam Wallraven. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2023. 1–13.

“Imagining Migration In-Between: A Conversation with Charl Landvreugd.” With Heike Raphael-Hernandez. Configurations of Migration: Knowledges – Imaginaries – Media. Eds. Jennifer Leetsch, Frederike Middelhoff and Miriam Wallraven. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2023. 17–26.

“Walking the Land: Theatre, Landscape and Britain’s Migratory Past in Black Men Walking.” Configurations of Migration: Knowledges – Imaginaries – Media. Eds. Jennifer Leetsch, Frederike Middelhoff and Miriam Wallraven. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2023. 197–218.

“Concluding Remarks: (Strange) Migratory Encounters.” Configurations of Migration: Knowledges – Imaginaries – Media. Eds. Jennifer Leetsch, Frederike Middelhoff and Miriam Wallraven. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2023. 219–224.

Loneliness and Contested Communities in Mary Prince’s Slave Narrative The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave, Related by Herself (1831).The Routledge History of Loneliness. Eds. Katie Barclay, Elaine Chalus and Deborah Simonton. London/New York: Routledge. 2023. 238–252.

Translocations of Desire: Urban Topographies of Love in Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah”. Geographies of Affect in Contemporary Literature and Visual Culture. Spatial Practices, Volume: 35. Eds. Ágnes Györke and Imola Bülgözdi. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi. 2020. 181–198.

“Opening Homes, Opening Worlds: African European Spatial Interventions in Helen Oyeyemi’s Fiction”. Locating African European Studies: Interventions, Intersections, Conversations. Eds. Felipe Espinoza Garrido, Caroline Koegler, Deborah Nyangulu and Mark Stein. London/New York: Routledge. 2019. 153–164.

“Pop & Porno: Gegen-Körper, Gegen-Blicke”. Kulturen der Pornografie: Annäherungen an ein Massenphänomen. Eds. Daniel Schulze and Andrea Stiebritz. WVT: Trier. 2016. 135–146.

Shorter Texts

“Migratory Theatre and Diasporic Communities.” The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Visual Culture. Eds. Barry Sandywell and Martin Hand. Section: Globalities (ed. Heike Raphael-Hernandez). London: Bloomsbury. Under Review.

“Western Perception of Non-Western Art as Barbaric and Primitive.” The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Visual Culture. Eds. Barry Sandywell and Martin Hand. Section: Globalities (ed. Heike Raphael-Hernandez). London: Bloomsbury. Under Review.

“Mary Prince, The History of Mary Prince (1831).” Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History. Ed. Trevor Burnard. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Under Review.

Book Review. “The Cambridge Companion to Global Literature and Slavery, edited by Laura T. Murphy.” Journal of Global Slavery. 2024. 9:3, 403–405.

Book Review. “Nationalism and the Postcolonial, edited by Sandra Dinter and Johanna Marquardt.” Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies. 2024. 35:2, 241–243.

Book Review. “African-Caribbean Women Interrogating Diaspora/Post-Diaspora, edited by Suzanne Scafe and Leith Dunn.” New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids. 2023. 97:3–4, 396–397.

Mr Fox by Helen Oyeyemi.” The Literary Encyclopedia. Volume Postwar and Contemporary English Writing and Culture, 1945-present. Eds. Valerie Kaneko-Lucas, Kerry Myler, Deirdre Osborne, Judith Rahn and Jenni Ramone. 2019.

Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi.” The Literary Encyclopedia. Volume Postwar and Contemporary English Writing and Culture, 1945-present. Eds. Valerie Kaneko-Lucas, Kerry Myler, Deirdre Osborne, Judith Rahn and Jenni Ramone. 2019.

“Warsan Shire.” Black British Women Writers. Ed. Elisabeth Bekers. Vrije Universiteit Brussel. 2018. Web.

“Zappelräume: Über Sara Ahmed”. MHM. Magazin der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften München. Vol. 13. Intimität und Distanz. Eds. Nicole Scherl MHM-Redaktion V.I.S.D.P.: Munich. With illustrations by Veruschka Glatzeder. 2015. 58–61.

“Eros, In-Between: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah”. [kon] Paper. Magazin für Literatur & Kultur. Vol. 1. Eds. Lucas Dörre and Pia Lobodzinski. LMU Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft. 2015.


Dogramaci, Burcu et al., eds. Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices. Bristol: Intellect. 2023.

Dogramaci, Burcu et al., eds. City Walks: Strolling through Global Metropolises of Exile (“New York,” “Buenos Aires,” “London,” “Istanbul,” “Bombay,” “Shanghai”). Relocating Modernism: Global Metropolises, Modern Art and Exile (METROMOD). Web. 2021.

Kleine-Benne, Birte, ed. Dispositiv-Erkundungen | Exploring Dispositifs. Berlin: Logos Verlag. 2021.

Dogramaci, Burcu et al., eds. Arrival Cities: Migrating Artists and New Metropolitan Topographies in the 20th Century. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 2020.

Kunze, Franziska. Walentynowicz|Lauritsen – Outside in|Inside out. Exh. cat. 6 ½ Weeks. Museum Folkwang, Essen. 2018.

Linhardt, Franziska and Benedikt Seerieder, eds. Blooming Signals. Munich: icon Verlag Hubert Kretschmer. 2018.

Pinther, Kerstin and Alexandra Weigand, eds. Flow of Forms / Forms of Flow: Design Histories between Africa and Europe. Bielefeld: Transcript. 2018.